Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Senate Impasse: Australia PM Threatens Early Poll

AustraliaThe Australian government says it will hold an early election in July if the Senate fails to pass two labour reform bills.

This comes after the Senate rejected the bills that aimed to re-establish a construction industry watchdog and regulate how unions are managed.
Australia’s Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has now asked the Governor-General to recall both houses of parliament on April 19 to deal with the measures.
Failure to pass the laws, according to the PM, would provide a double dissolution election trigger.
Mr Turnbull is also bringing the government’s budget announcement forward to May 3.
According to BBC, the Prime Minister said: “The time has come for the Senate to recognise its responsibilities and help advance our economic plans, rather than standing in the way.
“This was the fifth review the bills have undergone,” he said, insisting that “the time for playing games is over”.

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